When you wear thin socks take your measure in them, when you wear thick socks,or thick take your measure in them.
II. For adults – don’t trace your feet yourself !!! Stand upright and ask someone to trace them to you – IMPORTANT !!!
Please measure each foot separately, as there may be differences between the feet, not everyone has the same size.
1. Trace your feet on squared( or lined ) paper
– draw a vertical line (the axis of the foot) in the center of the paper
– put your foot on the axis (the way that the middle of the heel and the second toe is on it)
– trace your feet perpendicularly with the thinest pen on the paper (I have proved the selected pencil lead – it does not add extra millimeters as it is thin).

2. Measure your foot FOR SANDALS
according to the attached picture – measures A to F (click on the picture to enlarge)
Trace your feet with thin pencil in a perpendicular position towards the mat ( squared paper ). Do dont press the pencil to the foot !!!
Measure A: Distance from the longest toe ( big toe does not have to be the longest !!! ) USE A RULLER ( see the outline )
Measure B: width of the foot in the widest place measured horizontally
Measure D: measure from the tip of the big toe ( event. froom the longest toe ) to the point of the leg break (where the instep ends and the shin starts) NOT FROM THE GROUND !
Measure E and F: Measure E and F from the foot perpendicularly to the ground ( F in dne widdest place of the foot ) … see photo
The measuring tape must be gently placed against the foot – it must not be pressed and measured tightly. Write down the value shown by the measuring tape on the ground (not in the air).
Mark the outline of E and F instep on the contour with a of the foot with short line ! This is very important to know exactly where you measured – see the outline

3) Measure your foot FOR BOOTS, SNEAKERS, BALLERINAS … – measures of the foot – for ballerinas, it is enough to measure the circumference of the finger joints

Toe joint circumference (TJC) – measured by a measuring tape at the widest point of the foot (usually at the point of the thumb joint) Measured at a standing foot
Instep circumference (IC) – measured upright
Heel circumference (HC)
Ankle circumference ( AC ) – + also mark the height from the ground in which you measured
Calf circumference – measured at the height of the shoes. ⦁ In the case of high boots repeat point 6 at a distance of 5 cm (for example – the boots will be 25 cm high – the circuits at 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm must be

4. Write what high shoes from the ground you want to have the back on your heel
(eg below or just above the ankles, it is up to you)
5. write what oversize you want in length
Oversize means the free space in front of the big toe ( event. from the longest toe ).
Ideal for slippers and shoes is 1 – max. 1.2 cm. Greater do not recommended.
For open sandals and ballerinas I recommend 0,5 cm – max 0.8 cm due to tripping over or rolling the toe cap under the feet ( this can happen with a thin sole and larger excess )
6. To be sure, measure the length in another way
It can happen that the maquette gets a little bigger by a few mm, depending on the angle at which it is drawn, and how thick the pencil is. You can also make it the way that you stand against the wall, place your heel against it and draw a line just in front of your big toe. Then measure the length from the wall ( from the point of the middle of the heel ) to the line – USE a RULLER
Be careful not to measure perpendicularly to the wall, but at an angle from your big toe to the point where the heel was resting against the wall.
7. Now you can choose the sole you want
choice is – 1.8 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm
(1.8 mm or 2 mm sole is included in the price of the shoe, others are for extra 5 – 9 € depending on the type and size)
8. Record all measurements on footprint paper, SCAN it and send it in PDF format
I do not accept other format than pdf. due to printing which may discort the outline and does not fit with the reality
SEND me your order in the order form, or by mail: objednavky@zlatush.sk, or you can also mail your order to my address listed in your contacts when you don’t have the option to rescan